16 years of enterprise software engineering experience.
Front-end / full stack developer, proficient with Typescript and Python.
Strong understanding of advanced programming concepts including: the event loop, functional programming, prototypal inheritance, promises, closures, and generators.
A passion for efficient, well tested solutions to real world problems.
Built, maintained, and supported the enterprise component library and front-end build tooling. Established standards around graphQL usage patterns. Maintained site reliability through log monitoring and alerting.
Related expertise: React, Material UI, Jest, React Testing Library, Apollo GraphQL, Node.js, webpack, DataDog, Rollbar, LaunchDarkly
Key projects: Highly customized enterprise component library based on the Material UI library • Client migration from Ruby on Rails monolith to a modern graphQL / component framework • Customer facing activity feed dashboard
Designed and built customer focused solutions for utility companies across the country.
Related expertise: React, Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, Node.js, webpack, Jasmine, SASS, KOA, django, SQLAlchemy
Key projects: Customer rate plan education tool • Next best actions energy efficiency tool • Client portal • Client integrations • React-router upgrade / refactor • Company wide front-end build tool • White-label generator / scraping tool
Lead front-end development of an SEO centric CMS platform. Designed and built a universal (isomorphic) React application. Wrote database schema, queries, and API endpoints using SQLAlchemy and Python.
Related expertise: React, Node.js, webpack, Mocha, Chai, Sinon, SASS, Python, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Express
Key projects: Overall platform development • Dynamic "Best of" widget • Image gallery
Worked on an Agile team using scrum methodologies. Participated in sprint planning, sprint retrospectives, daily stand-ups, and weekly backlog grooming.
Related expertise: Javascript, Backbone, unit tests (Mocha, Chai, and Sinon), Knockout, lodash, JSP, Node JS, Gulp, git, Vagrant/Virtualbox, Selenium, Atlassian tools
Key projects: Shopping cart refactor (JSP to Backbone) • Checkout processes updates
Worked with a small team of developers, using Agile methods, to build client-facing web tools and services. At the enterprise level, I helped drive the adoption of tools such as LESS, Mustache templates, an enterprise style-guide, and modern coding standards.
Related expertise: Javascript, responsive LESS/CSS, Python, Java, Git, YUI, TurboGears, Node
Key projects: Schools rewrite and search integration • Local home values rewrite • Sitewide responsive navigation • Zillow.com homepage redesign
Developed templates, plugins, and core features for a custom content management system, built on CakePHP and JQuery. Worked in small teams to design and develop custom applications such as a job board and survey engine.
Related expertise: Javascript, JQuery, CSS, PHP, SVN, CakePHP
Key projects: Template creation • Client-side image tool • Online questionaire
Developed in-house accounting applications, services, and processes. Made heavy use of the Rational Unified Process and IBM Rational tools. Designed relational database models and wrote stored procedures.
Related expertise: RPG IV, Java, SQL, DB2, UML, MS Visio, RUP
Key projects: Accounts receivable system • Coupon billing system